Find out more about our enhanced COVID-19 procedures and our new option for telehealth consultations. 

Enhanced COVID-19 Safety

The safety of our patients and staff is our utmost concern. To that end, if you or someone you are in close contact with exhibits flu-like symptoms including fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, we kindly ask that you change your appointment to a virtual consultation or reschedule for another time without any cancellation fee. If you have tested positive for Covid-19, we ask that you wait 14 days to come in or receive a negative test. We will still be able to care for you remotely, and encourage you to be in contact with us. Chinese herbal medicine, though it does not treat Covid-19, can help mitigate the severity and danger of upper respiratory illnesses, and other infectious diseases.

New Clinic Safety Measures and Enhanced Cleaning Procedures

  • The clinic will adhere to strict cleaning and disinfecting protocols between each patient encounter. Common spaces,  high touch surfaces and handles will also be cleaned regularly throughout the day.
  • We are running high quality HEPA filters continuously in all treatment rooms, the front office, and will keep windows in common areas open when the weather and air quality allows.
  • Patient appointments will be limited and staggered so that our treatment rooms can be refreshed and cleaned between appointments.
  • Practitioners will wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) including masks during all patient encounters.
  • Practitioners will wash or sanitize their hands between each patient’s contact and regularly throughout the day.
  • Our gowns and sheets are supplied by Mission Linen, a laundry facility which is OSHA, HACCP, HLAC, EPA and JCAHO compliant, and are freshly changed for each person.

Safety Guidelines for Patients

  • We ask that you wear a mask when you arrive for your appointment and when you are in common areas.
  • We ask that you arrive promptly at your scheduled time as appointments are staggered in order to minimize interactions with others in the hallways and common spaces.
  • We ask that you come alone or else have prior authorization to come with a guest  in order to maintain social distancing.
  • If you or someone you are in close contact with exhibits flu-like symptoms including fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, we kindly ask that you change your appointment to a virtual consultation or reschedule for another time without any cancellation fee. If you have tested positive for Covid-19, we ask that you wait 14 days to come in or receive a negative test. We will still be able to care for you remotely through a virtual consultation or over the phone

Virtual Consultations

We are now offering virtual consultations through our online medical portal or over the phone. This is a 30 minute Chinese medical consultation, which can include an herbal consultation, or recommendations for acupressure, moxibustion or ear seed treatments you can do at home. We can mail herbs, moxa or ear seeds to you, or if you need them right away, we can troubleshoot a way to get them to you quickly.